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Use a simple background
An uncluttered background focuses attention on the subject, resulting in a stronger picture. Place your subject against a plain, non-distracting background. Alternatively, sometimes just moving yourself (and the camera) a few feet one way or the other can eliminate distractions from view.
Use natural light
You may be surprised to learn that cloudy, overcast days provide the best lighting for pictures of people. Bright sun makes people squint, and it throws harsh shadows on their faces. On overcast days, the soft light flatters faces. Indoors, try turning off the flash and use the light coming in from a window to give your subject a soft, almost glowing appearance.
Include other people in pictures
Capture others with the baby—Big Sister feeding the baby, Grandpa dancing with his baby granddaughter. Or introduce two babies to each other and catch that instant bonding in their eyes.
Before you know it, your baby will have left the crib for the classroom. Make picture-taking a part of your lifestyle so you can catch all those amazing firsts. We can help you take pictures you'll want to share with friends and relatives and treasure for years to come.
Take pictures frequently
Catch each step of baby's development—the first smile, the first bath, the first tooth, the first step. Babies change so rapidly, make sure you capture all the milestones before they become history. Or show a day in the life of baby. From the morning's waking stretch to the evening's yawns, track your child for one full day. You'll have a series you'll cherish for years to come.
Capture feelings
A smirk, a frown, a wail—capture all the emotions, not just the pretty smiles. Babies are uninhibited and uncensored. Show it in your pictures.
Get close
Fill the camera's viewfinder or LCD display with your subject to create pictures with greater impact. Step in close or use your camera's zoom to emphasize what is important and exclude the rest. Check the manual for your camera's closest focusing distance.
Try different angles
Start by shooting at the baby's eye level. Prop the baby on someone's shoulder. Or line up several wee ones on the sofa. Then try something different—stand on a (sturdy!) chair and shoot down at the baby in the crib.
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