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Slide Scanning

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Shoebox Scanning

Digitize your photos and preserve them for generations to come.

Got slides? Get digital?

Do you remember when Dad set up the slide projector in the basement? I do! Mom made popcorn, and Dad would show us the slides from a trip or a family event. It was fun and we were all together. Now that I'm the Dad, I've digitized those slides. I'm enjoying sharing those slides with my sister again, and with my wife and kids for the first time. We're not in a darkened basement anymore; we watch them on the TV in the family room or on the computer in the "home office". Now that the slides are digital images, I post old nuggets on Facebook, e-mail them to friends, and print favorites to hang on our photo wall. We can help you enjoy your family's old images in new ways, too!

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Shoebox Scanning

Incorrect orientation for a stack of slides

Shoebox Scanning

Proper orientation for a stack of slides

Slides Q and A:

Can you digitize any kind of slide?

Yes, we can. While most people's slides are 35mm slides, we can handle anything you have. This includes slides in other formats, such as stereo slides, glass lantern slides (usually about 3x4"), and the keychain viewers that our parents and grandparents brought home from hotels during the '50's and 60's.

I want to review my collection first. How do I do that?

While many people have us digitize their whole collection, others want to pre-screen their treasured images and make some choices. If you can't find Dad's slide projector, despair not. Here's how we can help you with the previewing process:

  • Rental slide projector. We have rental machines available, and the rental is free if you submit a slide scanning order.
  • Slide viewers. They're still made, and we have several varieties available.
  • Projector repair. If you want to put the family machine back into shape, we can help.
  • Used projectors. We frequently have these available.


Some of my slides are in boxes, some are in trays, and some are loose. Does it matter?

We can handle your slides anyway they come, but you'll receive the best pricing if you submit them in Kodak Carousel trays or bundled in groups of 40. Other types of slide trays won't fit our machine, so slides have to be removed from those trays prior to digitizing. Can we do that for you? Absolutely, but it is at an added cost.


Whether you submit them in bundles of 40 or in trays, it's best if all of the slides face the same direction and all the mounts are rotated the same way, regardless of whether the slide is vertical or horizontal. Confused? Think of the slides like a deck of playing cards fresh out of the box. Take a look at these examples:

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Shoebox Scanning

Proper orientation, looking backwards

Shoebox Scanning

Proper orientation, looking forwards

Shoebox Scanning

Incorrect orientation, looking forwards

What if I have damaged slide mounts?

Don't worry; we can remount them before digitizing.

Here's a quick video of the digitization process

My slides are really old. How will they come out?

Age is less of a factor in determining quality than how your collection was stored, what particular era they were from, or which film type was used. Our process ensures that you'll get the best possible result, even from imperfect originals. Before we digitize your slides, we clean them with compressed air.

After the digitization, each slide receives the following:

  • Edge cropping
  • Dust removal
  • Color correction
  • Rotation of vertical images
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What should I transfer my slides to: flash drive, hard drive, or CD/DVD?

It depends on which media you are most comfortable with, and what interfaces with you're the devices you consume media on:

  • Computer
  • TV ·Phone
  • Tablet
  • Cloud

If you're making extra copies for friends and family, their preferences may vary too. Many customers today are requesting transfers via multiple methods, either for added convenience or backup redundancy.


Q: Can you make a video from my slides?

Of course. One the images are digitized, that's the beginning, not the end. You can get an "auto-play" movie from all of the slides as an add-on. If you want a custom movie with titles and personalized music, you can get that too.

More info here.

Q: My slides are priceless to me. Will they be safe with you?

Absolutely. All digitizing is done in-house and is handled with the utmost care.


Ok. I want to do this. What's the cost?

The pricing is determined by quantity of slides, and how they're presented to us. See "Some of my slides..." above for the "how".

Pricing, 35mm slides: "Ready to scan", in Kodak Carousel Trays or in groups of 40, all slides rotated to horizontal.

Quantity Price
0 - 249 slides .90
250 - 499 .75
500 - 999 .65
1000 - 2000 .55
2000 + .50

Loose, unrotated, or in non-Kodak trays:

Quantity Price
0 - 249 slides .90
250 - 499 .75
500 - 999 .65
1000 - 2000 .55
2000 + .50

Non-35mm slides:

Please ask.

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